Tone down the normal maps my dude, he looks like he's made out of wet clay
Tone down the normal maps my dude, he looks like he's made out of wet clay
roughness map*, my dude, the normal map is alright. didn't make a roughness map for this one so it looks off. Texture looks way better on Deimos and my other models because of this lol
Hah! And another one succumbs to the universe of ponies!
An addition of colors would be most proper, thus I give 4.5 stars. Except that - great work.
i could do dat if i have an decent marker/color pencil on home, maybe next draw ill try to color it. thanks for the review aniways! :)
Not the best, but still good lookin'.
Thank you.
Nice, but don't you think that It would be too hard for them to actually face the Urufu?
You can't see him coming or anything. When he'd disable the security system, he would enable... EVERYONE! All of a sudden every single one of them would go on you and you would be harmless!
"But he was programmed to do so- Quiet.
Give player a chance to win against him. Don't make another Golden Freddy.
Yeah, I see. I need contain some military sort of stuff what he can do because yet again he was once a killer military android but not a lot. I tried to rethink this again. Also thank you.
...and there we have a stolen right from Valve concept art for another enemy, that we will see in the upcoming Half Life 3...
Oh- shhhh. Keep it on the down low! haha!
Damn, this looks great. Great job you did there.
Thanks! :)
Oh, man... you remind me of those popular artists like Picasso or Leonardo Da Vinci. You should sell those arts, they're beautiful.
Well thank you, my man.
And of course, I'm not here.
This is bullshit.
Sorry man xD
Nicely done, Mr. Fivestar.
Thanks man :D
Madness Combat was my childhood obsession, from animation to music itself. It inspired me to try out animation in the first place. This profile is an archive of my youngest years with Flash.
Joined on 7/24/10